Monday, February 20, 2012

Janvier On "Negotiation Power"

Janvier is an aspiring R&B singer which signed with IKEY Music Publishing in March 2011. Since then he has had the support and guidance of IKEY Publishing in contracts, career choices, and most importantly in negotiations. However, when Janvier was asked if it was always this easy when he was on his own, the answer was "absolutely not".
Janvier like most independent artists had to learn the hard way of doing business with different types of people. In a very Unfortunate case, Janvier was taught a lesson about trust and bad business. For example, months before Janvier joined IKEY Publishing, he was given an opportunity to play with his band at a local bar and promised maximum exposure. However, this agreement was done as a "Handshake agreement" and the results were upsetting. The night of the performance, the owner and promoter who initially promised stage time, changed the agreements and asked for $250 in order for Janvier and his band to play. At this point, friends and family where already there to see Janvier and his band, however, Janvier quickly turned the tables and decided to not fall for that trickery and decided to not pay and perform. At the end it turned out the club lost half of its attendees, and assuming a huge loss in merchandise sales as well as alcohol sales because of this. On a different note, mutual benefit was seen when Janvier and IKEY Publishing negotiated a contract agreement between the both of them. For example, IKEY Publishing had a strong interest in Janvier therefore, as many benefits as possible was offered to Janvier in order to convince him. In addition, Janvier needed the administrative and connections in order to expand, therefore since IKEY Publishing had all of these resources, it was a simple agreement between both parties. One other benefit that IKEY Publishing had over Janvier was, IKEY Publishing's affiliation to different associations such as NARAS, ASCAP, GrammyU and Billboard.

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